How does the CharityWorks program work?
Very simple.... You pay only for what you sell at your event. Follow these general guidelines:
- We will ask you for the date/time/and venue of your event.
- We will determine whether you are in need of silent and/or live auction items.
- We will determine if you want to utilize our professional auctioneer at a nominal fee.
- We will work with you to select a list of consignment auction items that is tailored to your crowd.
Should we be having a silent and live auction?
Depends on the size of your event. Here are some generalizations:
- Every event should at the very least host a silent auction. Use the items that you select from us to complement the items that you have received as donations. Our items will enhance your offerings and allow you to present the most desirable gifts to your crowd, keeping them coming back year after year.
- Silent auctions generate nickels, dimes and quarters, while live auctions can bring you BIG dollars. A live auction will maximize the return you get for your premium donated items, as well as those you select from us.
- If you have over 100 people attending your event, you should consider a live auction.
What are the costs to use CharityWorks?
There are no up-front costs, and no hidden costs. You pay only for what you sell at your event, and simply return any unsold items. CharityWorks is one of the few companies that offer all items on consignment at a fixed cost to your group. That way, you keep every dollar bid above our set prices. Here are our pricing guidelines and recommendations:
- CharityWorks will give you a list of potential items and their retail prices. Non-Profit organizations get these items at 75% of their retail prices, and start the bidding at the retail price. If you receive only one bid, your group makes a guaranteed 25% profit, however every other bid on these items go 100% to the charity, so it increases your profit with each incremental bid. We do not get one dollar above our set prices, regardless of how much you receive on the item. If you chose to follow these guidelines you can never lose money or just break even on a consigned item.
WARNING: Don't be tricked by companies that offer you a percentage of what the item sells for or offers to split the profit with you. This is your event, these are your patrons, and their generosity should go directly to the cause, and not be split with a consignment company.
Should I use your auctioneer?
It is not necessary. However, here are some generalizations:
- Our auctioneer is professionally trained and will get more dollars from you crowd than the average host or master of ceremonies
- Our professional auctioneer will work with your host or master of ceremonies in an effort to maintain the local flavor and character of your crowd. They share the podium and microphone for the event, so that you can use your key individual as the lead person in your event.
How many items should I have?
You know your group much better than anyone else. We will work with you to make sure that you have enough items for your event, and that they are representative of what people are looking for. It is never bad to add exciting, visually stimulating items, as even if they don't sell the first year, they will keep your auction fresh and entice attendees to return year after year.
How much lead-time do I need to work with you?
We can respond to your needs with only a few hours notice. We have a fully stocked warehouse / showroom, and can deliver items right to your event, up to the very last minute.
Who makes the bid sheets ?
We always prefer your group to make and/or utilize their own bid sheets, however, we have the capability of supplying sheets for your items as well as ours.
How and when do we pay you ?
A day or so after the event, we will e-mail or fax you an itemized list of the items that you sold showing the amount you owe. After you have the opportunity to review the invoice you mail us a check.
How many easels do we need?
That depends on how many premium items you have in your event, however, if we work with you, we bring our own wall grid system for displaying framed pieces so that we can use your tables for the three-dimensional items and bid sheets.
What territory do you cover ?
We have done events across the United States. If we can't physically attend your event, we can always sip you the product at no cost to you. You are however, responsible for the costs of returning the unsold items.
What are some of the mistakes that we might make ?
Every group needs to have their own stamp on their event. With that in mind here are some other problems we've encountered not previously addressed:
- Prioritize your evening's activities. If it is your intent to raise funds for your cause, make sure that the live auction is started before you do your raffle, awards and/or sponsor recognition. People tend to leave after this part of the event, and you want everybody there for your live auction, even if they are not active bidders.
- Include some type of raffle in your evening's festivities. This generates additional funds that go to your bottom line, allows everybody to participate at a low contribution level, and keeps people around for the results of their raffle purchase.
- Try to diversify your offerings, include gift baskets, gift certificates, sports/celebrity/rock 'n roll memorabilia, trips and vacation get-a-ways, spa packages, golf packages, glassware, floral arrangements, jewelry, day trips, wine and other offerings. Do not forget to have items for moms, dads, kids, pets, business and professional people, students, sponsors and benefactors, and any other person that might be attending your event.
- It is always a good idea to forward promote as many of your items as possible, but hint that additional items will be offered. Never show your entire hand, as you want to maximize the interest and attendance at your event.
- Allocate as much space as possible for your silent event and make sure you have enough tables to display your goods and bid sheets.
- Make sure you have an adequate sound system.
- Recognize and thank your volunteers and sponsors. They are the backbone of your event.
- Always feed your auctioneer. Happy auctioneers are appreciative of your thoughtfulness and the fact that you recognize that they have donated their time to help make your event financially successful.
It seems too good to be true. How come I haven't heard of you before?
You may never have heard of us because we do not promote ourselves and/ or our services at your event or to your patrons. However, I'm sure that you have seen our goods and/ or services at successful auctions that you've attended or heard about them from others.